24-25 Highlights

CM Family Time

September 27, 2024


A family can be described as a group of people, children and adults, functioning together as a unit to support one another and encourage each other to be the best person you can be. Our new school wide initiative to help build a sense of community is the creation of OUR CM FAMILIES. How do our CM families work? Each student was randomly assigned a ‘family.’ A staff member is in charge of a family.  This staff member is the family leader. Families will come together and meet at the end of each month to focus on our character education traits. The goal is to build a sense of belonging and community within our school. Later this year, our families will join together with other families and form a neighborhood for special activities. Our first family meeting was September 25th.  Ask your child about their family leader? Did they have fun meeting new friends during their family time? 

CM Volleyball Intramural for 5th & 6th Grade Students

September 20, 2024

This week Mr. Binkley started volleyball intramural practices before school. Students in grades 5 and 6 gathered as the sun came up to play volleyball. This will continue every Thursday and Friday through October. 

Show & Tell

September 13, 2024

Well this is not something you see everyday... Mrs. Mader's 2nd grade class had a visit from a newly born calf on Thursday. It was show and tell for the class and one of her students wanted to bring in his baby cow! Thank you Breneman family for visiting with our students.

Welcome Back!

August 26, 2024

We had a great first day of school Central Manor! Just a reminder Back to School is on Wednesday evening from 4-6 PM. We hope to see you there.